In collaboration with Warner Bros. Records and Ashby inc to develop a social media platform for Gerard Ways Hesitant Alien album release.

Gerard Way Gpic let fans create, customise and share content, follow friends, search users & hashtags, chat & explore the wider Gerard Way universe.

Fans could access Gpic through the official iOS and Android apps or by logging into though the website.


The success of the app was instant:

Over 72,000 user posts

An upload ever 30 seconds at the start of 2015.

Over 40k global app users

Over 100 unique web visitors

Five Star – Average app store review

5000,000 user likes


Album TVC

Released through Warner Bros Records, Gerard Way’s debut studio album revels in a 70’s glam rock and 80’s post punk sound. This commercial uses a distorted home video treatment and offset colours reminiscent of VCR footage from the era to great effect.

Head of Design: Peter Allinson

© Steam Motion and Sound Ltd